Sorry these are sooo late, but I finally got them downloaded on to my computer!!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Here's some pictures from Michigan!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
I'M DONE!!!!
Well I have finally had it with my husband. We were suppose to get up this morning and pick up his brother from the airport, which I was looking forward to just to get out of this house since I've been stuck in it since I lost my job. For starters, I'm on my period and my boobs really hurt. My husband knows this since I've been complaining about them for 3 days now. Well this morning laying on the bed, he was rubbing my head and I thought he was going to be nice to me. WRONG! He then said he had to get in the shower so we could go. I said something joking and playfully he grabbed my boob. OUCH! I didn't yell or anything, I just said "stop, you know they hurt, why would you do that?" Then he goes off the handle and yells, "you're being a fucking baby T." "I'm not going to put up with this all fucking week!" Well he gets into the shower and he gets out and asks me why I'm not ready to go. Like I really want to have anything to do with you now after you called me a FUCKING BABY. Come on now. So all I said is that I am not going because you're a being an asshole. He wouldn't even apologize. Just a sorry honey I forgot they were sore or just a sorry cause you really didn't need to grab my boob. NOTHING!! He then proceeds to yell and scream that he shouldn't have to kiss my ass and blah blah. Nobody asked you to kiss my ass, just a sorry would've been great and the could've went on like nothing ever happened! So I am done. I am not going to hang around him this week or weeks to come. I'm moving myself back to the other end of the house and as soon as I get my job back and save some money, I'm filing separation papers and moving out. I refuse to live like this! This of course isn't the first time, which a lot of you know! He has no consideration for me at all. He just does what he wants when he wants to and I am tired of being second best to his buddies and his four wheeler. He wants to live like he is single and I guess its been working to his advantage for the last 8 years because he has gotten to do that with a wife who takes care of everything else, but not anymore. I'm tired of crying all the time because he treats me like shit and he honestly doesn't see that he is doing anything wrong. I love him to death but there is no hope of any of this changing and I know there is someone out there who will appreciate me and not take me for granted!!!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
It's been awhile...
Sorry its been so long since I've posted, but work kept me pretty busy! Now I am officially jobless! My contract was terminated on October 31st. Crappy Halloween for me! Everyone was really great and threw me a going away party at Logan's Steakhouse and we had a lot of fun just hanging out. They presented me with a plaque that has my start date and ending date. The doctor I worked for the last couple of months bought my lunch which was totally not expected just because I didn't work with him that long, but he and all the others had said what an impact I had made with them in just the short time that I worked there and that I will be missed and the first available position that open will be mine. I guess its just nice to know that you are wanted, considering you don't always get that from your family!!!
So now I am going out of my mind!! I just don't know what to do with myself. I can only clean but so long, and Jenn helped me out yesterday and came over after her class and we made bread, but she can't always be here to entertain me! I guess only time will tell!
Thanks for letting me whine! I just really want my job made me feel useful!
So now I am going out of my mind!! I just don't know what to do with myself. I can only clean but so long, and Jenn helped me out yesterday and came over after her class and we made bread, but she can't always be here to entertain me! I guess only time will tell!
Thanks for letting me whine! I just really want my job made me feel useful!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Their picks...
Surprisingly enough, nothing crazy. They both picked the picture of their goats so they could tell everyone about that, of course they picked pictures of them on their dirt bike(big surprise) and the other kind of shocked me which was of their pool. So nothing strange like I was expecting! Sorry I thought it was going to be a funny experience!
Saturday, August 25, 2007
School starts Monday!
I am sooo ready for Monday. The kids I think have just gotten so restless and are also ready to head back. Well we went to the open house Thursday and this will be the first year that the boys will be in the same class together. Hopefully all goes well! The teacher is the one I requested and I think she is going to be really great with the boys, especially with Cole. I did this so I don't have to soley concentrate on Cole's work and I can help both of them at the same time. Last year with them being in 2 different classes, they brought different work home and because of Cole's ADHD, we would pay way more attention to him getting his work done and not so much with Kyle and its just not fair. So pray that this will work.
Other than that, now we have to go through all their new school supplies and get those ready to go and get all their school clothes organized because I have to rely on them and their father to get ready in the mornings since I am already at work, so I hope to hang most everything up as outfits so there is no confusion. Also have to get all those forms filled out and the boys have HOMEWORK. At open house their teacher had a paper bag on all their desks and they have to put 3 things in it that best describes who they are and their personalities. I thought that was a pretty neat idea, but I can't wait to see what they boys will put in them! I'll post their picks later!
Other than that, now we have to go through all their new school supplies and get those ready to go and get all their school clothes organized because I have to rely on them and their father to get ready in the mornings since I am already at work, so I hope to hang most everything up as outfits so there is no confusion. Also have to get all those forms filled out and the boys have HOMEWORK. At open house their teacher had a paper bag on all their desks and they have to put 3 things in it that best describes who they are and their personalities. I thought that was a pretty neat idea, but I can't wait to see what they boys will put in them! I'll post their picks later!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Can't Believe How Time Flys...
It was my little brothers 18th birthday yesterday! That just seemed so unreal! I can still remember him as a little bratty kid who wouldn't leave us alone. I still remember not getting any sleep when he was a baby because he would scream all night long. I guess I just don't want to realize I am not as young as I use to be!!
Friday, August 10, 2007
I'm in Michigan!
Well I'm in Michigan right now. What a busy week its been too! Everybody has been here to visit and we've tried to keep the boys as entertained as possible until fair starts. We went to a spray park, went to Mackinac island which was fun! We took a ferry across and the boys loved it! That place is just sooo gorgeous...i'll post pics later! Then we've gone to dinner with my dad and grandparents, and tomorrow we'll be going out in my dad's boat to go tubing! Then Sunday we have to load up the goats to take to fair and get ready for that!
Other than that, nothing much else going on. I'm going to get my hair cut and thinned today and thats about it! Its just kind of nice to get work and no fighting with the husband. Now if I could just get time away from the kids! More to come later!!!
Other than that, nothing much else going on. I'm going to get my hair cut and thinned today and thats about it! Its just kind of nice to get work and no fighting with the husband. Now if I could just get time away from the kids! More to come later!!!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
This week has been really nice! I started working with this really great doctor on Tuesday! He is just really easy to get along with, which makes going to work really enjoyable! Yesterday was my 8th wedding anniversary. We went to the Outback Steakhouse and watched "I now pronounce Chuck and Larry" on Saturday for it. I'm too tired during the week. It was really nice just going out with my husband ALONE!! I just found out that my cousin Heather is having a baby in March. I'm really excited for her! Nothing too exciting really, but its just nice to have a NICE week for once!!
Monday, July 9, 2007
Well nothing too interesting going on in my life right now. The usual fighting with my husband! I've been back to work..this is my 2nd week back and its slower than ever! They aren't getting new doctors in until August and September and looks like I'm going to lose my job come October 31st. Apparently the Air Force don't think that contract dental assistants are productive enough so they are letting us all go. Wish I'd known that before I took the job! I was pretty content working at the boys school. Oh well what can you do?!! That's just my luck anyways!! So I guess I'll go put my name on the sub list and at least get some days!! Other than that, nothing going on!!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
What the hell...
I don't understand why people want you to be honest with them, when they obviously can't handle it! I am the most honest person you will ever meet! If you piss me off, I will tell you. If you act like you are better than me, I will treat you like you don't even exist. I don't have time to kiss anybody's ass to make them happy. I'm sorry if you're apart of my family and you just assume that because of that I have to devote my time and energy into making you happy. There is a difference in being family and being friends. I look at like're apart of my family and I will be nice and social to you when you are around, that doesn't mean I have to like you or tolerate rude behavior. When you are my friend(my friend can definitely be a family member) I want to hang out with you even if there is no family get together. That means that you are fun to hang out with, I can talk to, and you treat me as an equal!
People should understand that I am a BITCH and very proud that I don't let people walk all over me. I don't sugar coat anything and tell it like it is. I am also a grudge holder and if you really piss me off, you are pretty much non existant to me unless I HAVE to see you. (Family get togethers) I will not hang out or talk to these kind of people on my own time! There is enough stress in life without people trying to bring their drama!!
People should understand that I am a BITCH and very proud that I don't let people walk all over me. I don't sugar coat anything and tell it like it is. I am also a grudge holder and if you really piss me off, you are pretty much non existant to me unless I HAVE to see you. (Family get togethers) I will not hang out or talk to these kind of people on my own time! There is enough stress in life without people trying to bring their drama!!
Saturday, June 9, 2007
What should I do?
Well I am basically falling apart ever since I took this job and am taking care of 2 extra kids. I am honestly depressed about this whole situation. So let me just run down my day. I wake up at 6am to get to work by 7am. I work 8 hours, then its off to my SIL Jenn's house to pick up my niece and nephew. I get home around 5:30pm, get dinner going or picked up, find time to get the laundry done, dishes done, clean the bathrooms, and whatever else needs to be straightened up. We end up eating around 7pm, when thats done, I have to get my niece and nephew bathed, dressed and ready for bed, make sure my boys get showered and ready for bed, then its finally my turn to get showered and ready for bed and by then between the yelling at the boys and my niece and nephew, I don't get to bed until 11pm, and then its back up to do it all over again. I'm basically EXHAUSTED!! Don't get me wrong, my husband helps a little bit, but he could definitely improve on that a lot more! I guess I just needed to get all that off my chest, because I really don't know what to do! I have no life now. I think that maybe I shouldn't of taken the job, even though the money is really nice, I just had more time and wasn't so grouchy and tired before, and on the other hand, I think that if I just hold out, my brothers kids will be gone soon, and then it might not be so bad. I just wish someone could tell me what to do and make my life so much easier. I also wish I had a husband who would put a lot more effort in helping out more to make my load a lot lighter instead of bitching about me being so grouchy all the time and how I never want to have sex with him. Like thats what I really want to do after such a long exhausting day! I also hate the fact that my boys think that all I want to do is yell at them everyday because I just want some peace and quiet instead of being the ref. for their fights. I don't know anymore...I feel like when I'm working full time I'm missing out on a lot of things that they do at school, like award ceremonies, parties, and field trips. I hate the fact that when they ask if I can come, I have to tell them no because I have to work. Then when I'm at home all the time, I feel alone and useless. So thats why I guess I've fallen into this depression. Sometimes I just wish life was a little less complicated and things would just come more easily.
Monday, June 4, 2007
BAD DAY!!!!!
Well everything at work had been going OK until today! For some unknown reason the doctor that I work with decided to really rude to me after lunch and for the life of me can't figure out why! I was sitting at the front desk (we didn't have patients this afternoon) and she comes in and signed some of her records or whatever, and then she turns arounds and says "there, I just gave you some work to do" in a very snotty tone. What really pisses me off, is that she directed this at me instead of the other 5 people sitting around doing absolutely nothing. Also, if she had been up there 5 minutes prior to her rude comment, I filed all the records that needed to be filed and inserted paperwork for tomorrow's exams! These are the days that you just want to knock someone out! I already told my husband that if everyday ends up like this one, I won't be there much longer! That is one of the things I said during the interview that I will not be treated with disrespect. I don't think anyone should have to go to work and be miserable everyday! Everyone knows I won't!!!!!!
Friday, May 4, 2007
New Job Update
Well it was going very well up until yesterday and today. I thought maybe they were all just exaggerating(sp) about this doctor, but I was wrong. Its not that she's a bad dentist or a mean person, she just wants everything we don't have. Since I am new there and don't know what we even have to begin with, I spent a lot of time asking and looking for things we didn't have to begin with. So needless to say, I worked later than I should've! Other than that, the people there are really nice and I definitely can't complain on how they are treating me there!!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Not Good!
Well don't shoot me, but I started smoking again. It was a lot harder to stay good than I thought! So my new plan is, I'm still not smoking as much as I was, I'm thinking with this new job, that I won't be able to smoke at all during the day, and hopefully with the new pay, I can save up to go get the shot. Its about $300, but they say you absolutely have no urges to smoke what so ever! So don't give up on me just yet, I do plan on being a non smoker, its just not going to happen as quickly as I was hoping it to!!! Bad Bad Tyani!!!!
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Can my life get any worse???
Ok...its Easter and today should be a wonderful FAMILY day. Well again not for my husband! It started out OK, the kids got their Easter baskets and everyone was happy with what they got. So I'm thinking to myself that today is going to be a pretty good day. Then I overheard my husband on the phone with his buddy saying that he would help him work on his car or bike or whatever he needed help fixing. I then said to him, when are going to spend time with your family? Not yelling or anything! Then he justs bites my head off and says that he needs to make money and thats why he's always working in his shop. That's fine that you think you need to make money ALL the time, buts its Easter, can't you take ONE day off to spend with us?! Then he storms off like usual! So then I decided to lay it all out! I proceeded to tell him that basically our marriage is falling apart because of this house, track and his shop. He always has people over and is always hanging out with them either in the shop or on the track. So then I said, so I guess I'll start paying you every time I would like to spend time with you, because he is SOOOOOO worried about making money all the time. If this house was too expensive for us to live, then he should've never gotten it! Then he says that he needs money for everytime I ask him for some. That just PISSED me off to no point. I NEVER ask him for money, unless its for groceries, gas, just the essentials! I'm not a shopper and don't just spend money whenever I get the chance. I just couldn't believe that those words came out of his mouth. Never the less, I'm not sure if any of this conversation we had is going to help in any way, because we've had it soooo many times before and it never sinks into his head. We've never been rich and personally I would rather have his time than his money! I just wish he could understand that! So I'm just having a very stressful life lately and its really hurting my confidence in quitting smoking, just because that's what I've always relied on in stressful times. We'll see.....hopefully he'll take what I've said to heart because if he doesn't change some things, I'm not sure how long our marriage is going to last!!
Saturday, April 7, 2007
bad day already...
Well this day started out terrible. First of all my BIL was here at 7:30 am and that didn't bother me except my husband makes too much noise when he's getting up and I am so not a morning person. Then I find out that my BIL got me breakfast, and my husband didn't even tell me about it. Thanks a lot! So basically I have been by myself all day! Jay came in and said Hi just because he was hungry and was fixing lunch. So its not like he came in just to see me! What a butt. So anyways, I went to the new Family Dollar store in my little town and got my niece and MIL their birthday presents. Now I am just hanging out by myself!!
Friday, April 6, 2007
You know I get a long really great with my husband most of the time, but lately he's making it really hard! Everyday its the same old thing! He's always in his shop and there are always people over. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind him hanging out with his friends, but come on, every day!!!
I guess it just feels like he puts his friends and his shop before his family. Just like I already heard that he'll have a bunch of people over tomorrow to ride 4 wheelers on our track in the backyard. Just once I would love to have a weekend just to working in the shop, hanging with friends, or riding 4 wheelers....I really don't think I am asking for that much! But I guess to him its asking for way tooooo much because it never happens!
And what really pisses me off about the GUYS riding is that guess who gets stuck watching all the kids? ME!! I guess it wouldn't be so bad if they asked if I was willing to watch them or asked if I had anything planned, but no! Everybody just comes over and pretty much just leaves the kids for me to take care of! So hopefully I won't have to be a royal bitch tomorrow, but usually I am because I just would like a peaceful weekend without EVERYBODY at my house! I'll keep you updated on how tomorrow goes!! Goodnight!!!
I guess it just feels like he puts his friends and his shop before his family. Just like I already heard that he'll have a bunch of people over tomorrow to ride 4 wheelers on our track in the backyard. Just once I would love to have a weekend just to working in the shop, hanging with friends, or riding 4 wheelers....I really don't think I am asking for that much! But I guess to him its asking for way tooooo much because it never happens!
And what really pisses me off about the GUYS riding is that guess who gets stuck watching all the kids? ME!! I guess it wouldn't be so bad if they asked if I was willing to watch them or asked if I had anything planned, but no! Everybody just comes over and pretty much just leaves the kids for me to take care of! So hopefully I won't have to be a royal bitch tomorrow, but usually I am because I just would like a peaceful weekend without EVERYBODY at my house! I'll keep you updated on how tomorrow goes!! Goodnight!!!
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
I got a job!!
Well today I found out that I got the dental job on the AFB that I've wanted for about a year now! I was kind of iffy on if I was going to get it or not after the interview yesterday. He told me that he still had 4 more people to interview after me, and I guess its always natural to think that somebody's going to be better than you, but it finally worked out to my benefit! I'm so excited to get started and the projected date to start will be April 19th or the 23rd! So wish me luck! Its going to be hard getting up early again, but guess I'll have to get use to it!!
Monday, April 2, 2007
how's she doing?
Well if anybody's wondering about the smoking situation...its going pretty good! I have slipped up a few times, but I still think I am doing very well. Like I told my SIL Jenn, I look at it like this...I've been smoking for about 10 years, and about 10 cigs a day. So when I only slip up and smoke once in a week, thats still doing very well! I'm not perfect and I knew it was going to hard, and I'm not giving up and not letting a few oopps get me discouraged!! So just keep supporting me even when I do wrong! Please!! Thanks a bunch!!!
What a day...
Well basically it all started yesterday! I woke up just feeling awful! My head hurts, teeth hurt, and my nose is so runny and stuffy at the same time. So I self medicated myself hoping to feel better today..nope! Then I had to go and get my car inspected. Get to my husbands work and get my car hooked up to the computer do hicky and it won't read. So my husband is calling around to see why, and they all suggest go somewhere else and try a different machine. Now this wouldn't be so bad of a situation except for the fact that I have a job interview and they will not let me on the base with an expired inspection sticker. So now I have to drive my BIL's truck which I am so uncomfortable in because I'm soooo short and use to my little car. So anyways, I made it through that and the interview went well considering how the day was already going. So hopefully I will hear from them soon! Now I am ready to self medicate myself some more so I can go to bed and hopefully feel better tomorrow because I will be surrounded by hundreds of screaming children tomorrow at work!!
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Its Going To Be The Hardest Day....
Today I have decided to quit smoking. I've got the patch and I'm just so worried that it's not going to work. Its going to be hard enough quitting on my own. Jay says he's going to quit, but honestly I don't see that happening any time soon!! So now I just have to rely on my determination to quit!!!!! So along with the husband bashing on this blog, I will also be talking about my good and bad days with quitting smoking!! Wish me luck!!!
Saturday, March 24, 2007
A very long day!!!
Well it started out good! I went to lunch with my sister in law Jenn and my nephew Ryan and of course with my children. That was nice! Then I get phone call from my husband stating he wasn't going to be home when he was suppose to! We were suppose to have a day out, just us and the boys, to go shopping! And it probably wouldn't bother me if he didn't promise to take me shopping since we didn't end up going to Fayetteville! Oh well, like my title states...the joys of living with 3 boys!!!!
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