Monday, April 2, 2007

What a day...

Well basically it all started yesterday! I woke up just feeling awful! My head hurts, teeth hurt, and my nose is so runny and stuffy at the same time. So I self medicated myself hoping to feel better today..nope! Then I had to go and get my car inspected. Get to my husbands work and get my car hooked up to the computer do hicky and it won't read. So my husband is calling around to see why, and they all suggest go somewhere else and try a different machine. Now this wouldn't be so bad of a situation except for the fact that I have a job interview and they will not let me on the base with an expired inspection sticker. So now I have to drive my BIL's truck which I am so uncomfortable in because I'm soooo short and use to my little car. So anyways, I made it through that and the interview went well considering how the day was already going. So hopefully I will hear from them soon! Now I am ready to self medicate myself some more so I can go to bed and hopefully feel better tomorrow because I will be surrounded by hundreds of screaming children tomorrow at work!!

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