Friday, April 6, 2007


You know I get a long really great with my husband most of the time, but lately he's making it really hard! Everyday its the same old thing! He's always in his shop and there are always people over. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind him hanging out with his friends, but come on, every day!!!
I guess it just feels like he puts his friends and his shop before his family. Just like I already heard that he'll have a bunch of people over tomorrow to ride 4 wheelers on our track in the backyard. Just once I would love to have a weekend just to working in the shop, hanging with friends, or riding 4 wheelers....I really don't think I am asking for that much! But I guess to him its asking for way tooooo much because it never happens!
And what really pisses me off about the GUYS riding is that guess who gets stuck watching all the kids? ME!! I guess it wouldn't be so bad if they asked if I was willing to watch them or asked if I had anything planned, but no! Everybody just comes over and pretty much just leaves the kids for me to take care of! So hopefully I won't have to be a royal bitch tomorrow, but usually I am because I just would like a peaceful weekend without EVERYBODY at my house! I'll keep you updated on how tomorrow goes!! Goodnight!!!


Anonymous said...

This was my life a few yrs ago,Tyani. Every wk/end Michael's friends would come by and leave their kids with me to keep. His buddies wives were free to go out w/out the kids while Kim was a free sitter and the guys were out having a good time.

I decided that one day I would leave the kids at home w/him and his friends while I went out and did whatever I wanted...his friends didnt like sitting in my house w/all the kids screaming and all stopped! :)

Im not saying that he totally quit going and doing, but he finally grew up and realized that family time is very important for his marriage (after I threatened to leaves his ass *lol*) and his kids were missing out on having a daddy.

Michael went out this wk/end to La. w/his dad to play poker, but he made sure he was home last night. Right now, he's gone to Wal-Mart w/Olivia to get things to grill for lunch. We don't ask for much...just some of his time and he realized that and I think he also realized that we (me and the kids) arent that bad to hang out with! :)

Stay strong and don't give up on him girl...its hard now, but your marriage is worth fighting for.


Please email me any time you need to talk.

Treighsie said...

You need to say "Nope, sorry, I already have plans..." and then pretend like you did. It will be hard but stick up for yourself..
I'm here for you if you need to talk...
