Sunday, March 25, 2007

Its Going To Be The Hardest Day....

Today I have decided to quit smoking. I've got the patch and I'm just so worried that it's not going to work. Its going to be hard enough quitting on my own. Jay says he's going to quit, but honestly I don't see that happening any time soon!! So now I just have to rely on my determination to quit!!!!! So along with the husband bashing on this blog, I will also be talking about my good and bad days with quitting smoking!! Wish me luck!!!


Jenn said...

good luck T, I know you can do it!!

bahama97 said...

You can do it, Tyani!! I will be rooting you on!! It won't be easy...but in the end it will all be worth it!! Hang in there!!

Anonymous said...

Good luck,Tyani!
I'm rooting for you girl!!