Friday, August 10, 2007

I'm in Michigan!

Well I'm in Michigan right now. What a busy week its been too! Everybody has been here to visit and we've tried to keep the boys as entertained as possible until fair starts. We went to a spray park, went to Mackinac island which was fun! We took a ferry across and the boys loved it! That place is just sooo gorgeous...i'll post pics later! Then we've gone to dinner with my dad and grandparents, and tomorrow we'll be going out in my dad's boat to go tubing! Then Sunday we have to load up the goats to take to fair and get ready for that!

Other than that, nothing much else going on. I'm going to get my hair cut and thinned today and thats about it! Its just kind of nice to get work and no fighting with the husband. Now if I could just get time away from the kids! More to come later!!!


Amy Marie said...

sounds like your having fun... can't wait to see some pictures!!

bahama97 said...

Sounds like a great trip. I haven't been to Mackinac Island in years. I do remember the big bridge though! Good luck at the fair!

BTW, you've been TAGGED! Check out my blog for details. The blog police won't come get you if you don't do it ;) but I sure would like to read your entry!

Jenn said...

I miss you Tynani. Glad you're having fun but you need to come home soon!!